Insubuy Insurance: Your Gateway to Worry-Free Travel

At, we understand that travel is more than just reaching a destination; it’s about experiences, discovery, and peace of mind.

Introducing Insubuy, your reliable broker in travel insurance, designed to protect you from unexpected events and give you the confidence to explore the world.

Insubuy Travel Insurance comprehensive coverage

Why Choose Insubuy Insurance?

Who’s it for? Insubuy positions itself as a one-stop-shop for your travel insurance needs, especially if your travels take you to the USA or you venture from the States to explore the globe.

Brokers: They’re a broker so they find you the best insurance plan for your travel. You get to compare plans from various insurance providers all in one place.

This means you can find the coverage that fits your travel needs and budget without having to hop from one insurance company’s website to another.

What Do They Do? They offer a comparison of insurance companies, and plans, guide you to choose the best one, and offer customer support.

What Don’t They Do? They are not the insurer so they don’t process claims.

How Do You Get A Quote? On their website, you fill in your age, country, and travel details and click QUOTE – a variety of insurance company options will pop up. You can compare these policies and their prices. You can also add more information, e.g. acute pre-existing conditions.

How Do You Buy a Policy? You can purchase the policy you want from this list directly on the website, or call the customer support team if you need more advice.

Flexible Plans: Insubuy believes that insurance should fit your travel, not the other way around. They find flexible plans that allow you to pick the coverage that suits your itinerary, duration, and budget. They work with all the major US insurance companies.

Wide Range of Plans: What stands out about Insubuy is their focus on showing you a wide range of plans tailored to your travel needs.

Whether you’re a solo adventurer, a family on vacation, an international student, or a digital nomad, they find coverage that spans medical emergencies, trip cancellations, baggage loss, and much more.

Adventurers: They even help adventurers with plans for hazardous sports – think bungee jumping or mountain climbing.

Comprehensive Coverage: They’re big on comprehensive coverage plans, which means they DON’T cut corners on your safety net.

Insubuy recommends these because they typically cover a larger percentage of your medical costs than fixed coverage plans which are limited.

Global Support: Travel with the assurance that help is just a phone call away, no matter where you are. Insubuy’s 24/7 global assistance service ensures you have expert support in times of need.

How Do You Make a Claim? If you make a claim you do this directly with the travel insurance company you’ve chosen. If you need help with your claim Insubuy has a claims resolution specialist team to assist.

The PPO Network: This is like having a VIP pass to a network of doctors and hospitals that can bill the insurance company directly. It’s a smoother ride for you with less out-of-pocket stress.

Insubuy Travel Insurance

Benefits of Insubuy Insurance

  • Variety of Choices: Insubuy, as a broker, offers a buffet of insurance options. They’re a bridge between you and the insurer. They save you time and effort trying to find the best insurance.
  • Expert Guidance: Think of Insubuy as your travel insurance shopping assistant. They have the expertise and the know-how. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the fine print, their licensed agents can break it down for you and explain the plans.
  • Save Time: Your time is precious, especially when planning a trip. Using the Insubuy website and customer service can save you hours you might otherwise spend on research.
  • One-Stop Shopping Convenience: With their platform, you can compare plans, read reviews, ask questions, and purchase the right insurance all from the comfort of your home or while sipping a latte at your favourite coffee shop. It’s all about convenience and efficiency.

Insubuy Travel Insurance for adventure travel

Ready to Protect Your Journey?

Take the first step towards stress-free travel by visiting Insubuy’s website. Get an instant quote, explore the variety of plans and prices, and purchase the policy that suits you best.

Click the button below to ensure your travels are covered safely

Safe travels and remember, with Insubuy, you’re not just buying travel insurance but investing in a journey of peace. Welcome aboard, where your safety is our top priority.

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